Getting to stop and take a few pictures makes the drive better.
There was a storm on it's way that day so that's the reason why a lot of the pictures are a little dark.
Just out playing around with some macro photography this morning. This is a Chevy El Camino hotwheels I barrowed from my granddaughter (yes, I’ll give back).
Taken with my old Nikon S210 point and shoot camera.
For our 27th anniversary, my wife and our granddaughter took a drive north of where we live in Columbus, GA. Our destination was supposed to be Desoto Falls in Desoto State Park in Alabama, but we never made it (that’s usual for us). The destination was just a target to drive toward.
Anyone that knows me knows I like to wonder around old cemeteries and take in the history and art of the headstones. I don’t consider it creepy in the least bit at all.
I stop at every old cemetery I come across!
Like this one. On Saturday, 01/14/2012, I went geocaching. I will usually go north, south, east or west from where we live to geocache (I really don’t care for geocaching around where I live – I can do that anytime, but this day, I decided not to stray too far from home and went toward the Tuskegee National Forest in Alabama. It took me 2.5 hours to go 50 miles from my house because I kept finding all the old cemeteries!
The above headstone was behind this church:
This church is no longer used, but has a lot of character about it though.
Headstones like the one above is the reason I like walking around old cemeteries.Some graves have been long forgotten and if it weren’t for people like me, nobody would even know the forgotten graves were even there.